Law Office of Cristina Salazar
Contact Us:  469-759-9265

do you qualify for executive action?

Because you need to know. Call us at 469-759-9265

Immigration and Family Law Attorney Serving Dallas and Fort Worth, TX

At the Law Office of Cristina Salazar, we are here to listen to you and give you the personal service you need and deserve. I can help you achieve your immigration goals in an affordable and individualized manner. If you are currently seeking a divorce or visitation with your children, you will find someone who will take the time to hear you out and understand your needs. For an attorney who is fair and available to meet your needs, just give me a call.

Prefiere hablar con alguien quien tomara el tiempo para conocerte? Cada caso sera preparado por la abogada, quien le dara la atencion individual que se merece.


Abogada de Inmigracion

Sirviendo a todo el area de Dallas y Fort Worth.