do you qualify for executive action?
Because you need to know. Call us at 469-759-9265
Because you need to know. Call us at 469-759-9265
At the Law Office of Cristina Salazar, we are here to listen to you and give you the personal service you need and deserve. I can help you achieve your immigration goals in an affordable and individualized manner. If you are currently seeking a divorce or visitation with your children, you will find someone who will take the time to hear you out and understand your needs. For an attorney who is fair and available to meet your needs, just give me a call.
Prefiere hablar con alguien quien tomara el tiempo para conocerte? Cada caso sera preparado por la abogada, quien le dara la atencion individual que se merece.
Not everyone can adjust status in the United States just because they marry a US citizen. If you entered the country without inspection, you may have to apply for a Waiver of Inadmissibility because of your unlawful presence. If you are an immediate relative of a US Citizen (spouse, parent or child under 21) you may be eligible for the new Provisional Waiver.
Certain criminal convictions and other immigration violations will make you ineligible for the Provisional Waiver. In addition, you will have to establish that your qualifying relative- your US citizen spouse or US citizen parent- will suffer an extreme hardship if the waiver is not granted. Establishing extreme hardship is not a simple task, and not everyone will qualify.
If you are in a preference category as the spouse of a Legal Permanent Residence, you may still qualify for a different type of waiver.
Don't get left behind and let this wonderful opportunity pass. Deferred Action is for those who entered the country before reaching the age of 16 and who were born before June 15, 1981. If you haven't obtained your GED now is the time to do it! You must be currently enrolled in a high school program or have graduated in order to qualify. Some ESL programs may also help you qualify.Take note and stay away from "DACA mills" that hand out diplomas in a matter of weeks- more than likely those programs will not make you eligible for DACA. The basic requirements are:
1. Entered the US before the age of 16.
2. Present in the US on 6/15/2012.
3. Continuously present from 6/15/2007 to the present. (No departures after 6/15/2012).
4. Your lawful status expired before 6/15/2012 or you entered the US without inspection.
5. Graduated from high school, obtained a GED, or currently enrolled in a GED preparation, vocational training program, or ESL program. (Not all diploma programs will make you eligible). If you served in the military you may also qualify.
6. No felonies, "significant misdemeanors" or three or more misdemeanors.
7. No DWI offenses.
Divorce is not easy for anyone. At times, an attorney is the first person who you talk to about this difficult situation. Many people are unaware of the rights they have under Texas community property laws. In additon, you should be aware that there are minimum visitation standards under the law allowing each parent access to their children. Whether you have an uncontested divorce, or need assitance with child support or visitation, the Law Office of Cristina Salazar is here to help.
Sirviendo a todo el area de Dallas y Fort Worth.